Clinical Chemistry

Transasia Bio-Medicals offers semi and fully automated clinical chemistry systems that are designed, manufactured and made in India. Incorporating state-of-the-art features, these analyzers are rugged and performance oriented systems, boosting lab productivity and throughput. Our systems are widely in demand and are an essential part of any start-up, medium or advanced lab. They support a wide test menu spanning routine clinical chemistry, electrolytes & immunoturbidimetric assays.

Fully Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Fully Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Fully Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
XL 200 is a fully automated, random access and discrete clinical chemistry analyzer that enhances productivity and turnaround time
Semi Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Semi Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
EC90 is a Next Generation Electrolyte Analyzer
Kompakt, yüksek performanslı yarı otomatik bir analiz cihazıdır ve rutin klinik kimya, immünotürbidimetrik ve koagülasyon testleri için uygundur. Kompakt, yüksek performanslı yarı otomatik bir analiz cihazıdır ve rutin klinik kimya, immünotürbidi